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The Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) is a non-profit organization established with a mission to promote sustainable and healthy honey beekeeping conditions in North America mainly through the detection, mitigation and ultimate suppression of bee pests, parasites and pathogens. Members of the organization consist of state and provincial apiarists or apiary inspectors along with associated collaborators from other regulatory, academic or research-based institutions. In practice, members of AIA provide support in the form of regulatory guidance and enforcement, inspections, education, research, marketing, and collaboration with the goal of facilitating sustainable-management focused on ensuring honey bee health, honey production, pollination and the beekeeping industry.

Apiarists, Apiary Inspectors and Apiary Programs are the regulatory authority responsible for the enforcement and compliance of local laws and regulations that relate to honey beekeeping, colony transport and health. Apiary Inspectors are buzzin‘ with activity throughout the season given that that they conduct field visits to apiaries where they inspect, identify, sample, diagnose and work with beekeepers to manage health issues. Apiary Programs are dynamic, often with inspectors also serving as educators, researchers, state fair superintendents, and coordinators for other-bee related activities such as Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3).

In case you have not heard – Apiary Inspectors are the Bees Knees!

AIA is an active organization with members all across North America. We encourage you to click the links below to get the latest buzz about our organization and our awesome members!

PO Box 32

Sterling, ND 58572

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