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The Apiary Inspectors of America has established several standing and special committees with the goal of protecting honey bee health through the enhancement of communication and collaboration across sectors of the apiary industry. Below is a list of the current committees and their members.

Site Committee

Brooke Decker *

Brad Cavin

Meghan McConnell

Natasha Garcia-Andersen

Chris Rosario

Adam Pachl

The purpose of this committee is to gather information about the upcoming annual meeting and assist the Vice President in organizing the meeting. 

Auditing Committee

Joan Mahoney*

Jared Spokowsky

Hannah Blackburn

The purpose of this committee is to review the financial records and receipts maintained by the AIA Treasurer prior to the annual meeting. 


Resolutions Committee

Jennifer Lund**

Tammy Horn Potter**

The purpose of this committee is to gather Resolutions throughout the year and submit all standing and proposed Resolutions to the AIA members prior to and during the annual meeting.

Awards Committee

Mike Studer*

Keith Tignor

Don Hopkins

The purpose of this committee is to request, review, procure and award nominations for the Researcher of the Year Award, determine and award membership service awards, retirement awards, Inspector of the Year Award, and student travel scholarships.     

Communications Committee

Tammy Horn Potter*           

Kim Skyrm

Adam Pachl        

Samantha Muirhead

Paul Kozak         

Samantha Brunner

Rhys Willette

The purpose of this committee is to generate the AIA Newsletter, update and generate content for all other industry publications (i.e., ABF News- letter, Bee Culture, etc.).

Pollinator Committee

Emily Wine*      

Alyssa Piccolomini**   

Natasha Garcia-Andersen

Tammy Horn Potter 

Kim Skyrm

Shanda King

The purpose of this committee is to establish communication and collaboration with non-Apis and native pollinator organizations.   

Social Media/IT Committee

Natasha Garcia-Andersen*

Dave Priebe

Meghan McConnell

Jenna Crowder

Samantha Brunner

The purpose of this committee is to provide technical support to AIA, as well as coordinate social media outreach for the association, and maintain and manage the AIA website.

Research/Diagnostic Labs Committee

Jenna Crowder*              

Kim Skyrm**    

Karen Roccasecca

Lewis Cauble     

Paul Kozak

Don Hopkins

James Fulton

The purpose of this committee is to gather information on research and diagnostic labs that provide services for apiary inspection services and beekeepers. Additionally this committee will facilitate communication and collaboration between the AIA and these labs. Currently inactive – maintain list of labs.

Historical Records and Proceedings Committee

Don Hopkins, Historian*               

Keith Tignor

Bill Baxter          

Brad Cavin

Barbara Bloetscher         

Mike Studer

Karen Roccasecca            

Adam Pachl

Emily Wine

The purpose of this committee is to gather and maintain historical AIA

records and publish a report of set meetings and conferences.

Nominating Committee

Adam Pachl*

Karen Roccasecca

Don Hopkins

Shanda King

Hannah Blackburn

The purpose of this committee is to nominate AIA members for the officer positions. Elections are made at the annual meeting.

Standard Operating Procedures Committee

Alexandra Panasiuk*

Mike Studer

Barbara Bloetscher

Joan Mahoney

Joey Caputo

Hannah Blackburn          

Paul Kozak

Paul Tessier

The purpose of this committee is to gather SOPs from states and provinces to then develop a document containing guidance, advice, and examples for inspection programs that either don’t have an SOP developed or need to update one.  

Industry Associations Committee

Natasha Garcia-Andersen*         

Tammy Horn Potter  

Kim Skyrm

Jennifer Lund    

Mike Studer

The purpose of this committee is to maintain/initiate communication and collaboration between AIA and other industry organizations (i.e. Honey Bee Health Coalition, NAPPC, etc.).

Survey/Annual Health Data Committee

Jennifer Lund* 

Kim Skyrm**   

Emily Wine

Paul Kozak

Darcy Oishi         

Gabrielle Claing

Samantha Brunner

The purpose of this committee is to collect data from states, territories and provinces about the status of the apiary industry in these individual regions and generate reports for the USDA and other industry stakeholders.

Educational Outreach Committee

Cathy Selbert*

Paul Tessier

Paul Kozak         

Lewis Cauble

Samantha Muirhead          

Jennifer Lund             

Don Hopkins

Adam Pachl        

Adolphus Leonard

The purpose of this committee is to generate educational content and products for beekeepers in North America (i.e. IPM manual, info cards, etc.).    

Regulatory Committee

Samantha Brunner*       

Brad Cavin*

Don Hopkins 

Karen Roccasecca

Natasha Garcia-Andersen           

Scott Opatril

Sam Muirhead 

Jacob Bates

Paul Kozak         

Darcy Oishi

Dave Priebe       

Branden Stanford

PO Box 32

Sterling, ND 58572

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